Thursday, September 14, 2006


In times of tragedy, it can be difficult to find the energy to write anything down. Even a phone message seems like a big task: finding a piece of paper and a pen is tiring.

This last week has been like that as I was dealing with my own tragedy and sorrow of my father-in-law unexpectedly passing away.

Stress and emotions can rob us all of inspiration and creation. At one point, you just don't feel like thinking anymore.

As life slowly returns to normal, I now feel the need to write. And, as I do, I realize that even in times of sadness, inspiration still remains.

Over 700 people attended my father-in-law's funeral, demonstrating the impact he had on so many people's lives. It's hard to believe this very busy, small town man managed to find the time to maintain relationships.

It's also amazing how easy it was for people to automatically lend support without even asking. These people organized and delegated and did whatever they could to make things easier for all of us.

Even the young children, so innocently unaware of what was going on, provided the comedy relief, something my father-in-law would have enjoyed watching.

I guess the message here is to continue writing even when things are crappy. Whether happy or sad, inspiration and creation can still be found.

Writing it down can heal the spirit.


Ian said...

My condolences on your loss.


Kiyotoe said...

it's a coincidence (or maybe not) that i'm just returning to the "blog world" myself after a rough, emotional week.
There was a tragedy and the first thing i could think to do was write about it. But once I was finished venting in my latest entry, I had to step back and take a breather, get myself together, and now......

I'm ready to write.

My Condolences also.

Kilroy_60 said...

There is much to be said for journaling to help heal the spirit. Here's hoping that you are feeling better soon.

Mistress Regina said...

Our thoughts are with you.

Mistress Regina said...
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