Friday, July 21, 2006


What does it mean to take a risk? We all take risks every single day on one level or another... risks in choosing our career, our spouse/significant other, our money, and even our health. We even take risks with our writing. What kind of risks are you taking? Are you getting your work out to the masses or are you letting it languish somewhere in a drawer or on an old floppy disk that your new computer probably doesn't even accept anymore?

There's a quote by Woody Allen that says: "80 % of success is showing up". Are you showing your writing off to the world? Are you letting the world see what magic you can wield with the almighty pen?

I'm currently reading the book Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker. He says we all have a financial blueprint that is set for a certain amount of money. We can never make any more than that if we don't reset our financial thermostat to accept more.

This can be applied to writing. Many of us have a writing blueprint that believes we are only so good and if we try for anymore than just good, we are afraid we might be seen as a fraud. Maybe it's time to reset our own writing thermostats to achieve more than what we expect of ourselves.

So? What are you willing to risk?


rebeleyeball said...

Came here from "The Bestest Blog Ever". Just thought I say "hi" and tell you I like your blog.

Anonymous said...

Just taking the first step, moving in the right direction and not expecting too much too soon helps. I'm using the dictionary that is hanging on my neck alot more now.

Ian said...

Howdy from the Wild Wild West!

I stopped by from the Bestest Blog and thought I'd say hello to a fellow writer! I'd love to learn more about your self-publishing experience, as I'm likely going to be doing just that next year with a couple of my shorter works.

Stop by and say hello!

High Power Rocketry said...

Hi just visitng : )

~A4O~ said...

I risk everything everyday for a better world. I risk words, feelings, and money. The only thing I dont risk is health. Self Published a book and composed a soundtrack to coincide by the age of 25. Noe I just post it all for free, why, because it came to me without a price tag. Ready and willing to write my way into the next life. Live well, Mike....

thethinker said...

I'm also coming by way of Bestest Blog. Great stuff you have here. Keep up the good blogging.

Anonymous said...

Do you have interest in writing beyond your own blog? A spot as a contributing columnist perhaps?

Stp by and have a look...a link exchange between our sites should be of mutual benefit.

Roy Fox
For Your Success